Edition: Club International
Publisher: Carlisle Publications! GSN Golden State News!
Information: U.S.A., 1970s
Other CP publications:
SUNTRAILS — The magazine that explores nud-ism around the world. Suntrails does not limit itself strictly to the nudism as practiced strictly in our parks, but also explores the high-ways and byways that lead to other happy sunning grounds.
SUN & SHADOW —A publication that discusses both sides of the nudist life. True to its name, Sun & Shadow de-picts not only the sunbathing as-pects of nudism, but the other nudist activities as well.
SUNAIRE REVIEW — The different format nudist jour-nal. Opens like a calendar thus permitting the use of larger and more natural nudist illustrations. 64 pages, black & white and liv-ing color.
THE NUDIST TIMES — The new large format magazine, (size 10" x 13"), that brings you a factual report of the happenings and events of the nudist scene. Illustrated with 16 full color pages, 16 duotone pages and 32 pages of sparkling black and white. This journal is issued quarterly.
NUDE HORIZONS — The magazine that explores nud-ism as it is today and predicts the future of the nudist movement both in America and abroad. Illus-trated with 80 pages of living color, duotone & black and white.
SUNCOT — The magazine that takes you into our nation's nudist resorts for factual reportage of on the scene events. 64 pages, profusely and revealingly illustrated.
SUNNY DAYS — A profusely illustrated nudist magazine that deals with the light-er aspects of nudism and the nud-ism movement. 64 pages in color and black and white.
BRIGHT — The sparkling nudist journal that examines the light, bright side of the nudist picture. This book contains 80 pages of vivid color, gorgeous duotones & sparkling black and white illustrations. Featuring completely authentic nudist reports.