Sex Roulette (1977). France, Germany, 1977. Tabu Video - Beate Uhse Video. Film directed by Alan Vydra. Featuring Anita Berenson, Barbara Moose, Brigitte Lahaie, Christine Baer, Claude Janna, Erika Cool, Marlène Oury, Michele Grubert, Micky Love, Nathalie Morin, Nicole Velna, Rachel Montand, Samantha, Siegried Cellier, Véronique Maugarski. Classic, Adult, Hardcore sex.
Lord de Chamoiz is an old sex addict and his niece, Véronique, is a roulette addict. Chamoiz gets sexual favours from his female servants -- and his black dwarf servant, Balthasar, films sex orgies for his lordship's pleasure. On a trip to Monte Carlo, Veronique is gradually enticed away from roulette to sex and finally demands that the roulette players gang bang her on the roulette table at a private game. Meanwhile Balthasar finds the (very large) girl of his dreams at the same party.