Edition: Swedish Erotica film review
Publisher: Swedish Erotica
Featuring cast: Billy Dee, John Holmes
Information: U.S.A. published, 1982
Although we never publish them, a great tnany letters are received from read-ers commenting on our magazines and suggesting what they'd like to see in the future. As expected, a few more men than women write to us, but the disparity is real-ly not that great.
There is a vast difference, however, in what the different genders ask for. "More cocksucking", the men invariably demand and there are unexpectedly many requests for "juicier chicks with more meat on their bones." (Personally, we prefer them lean and lanky.) Always and forever they ask for bigger tits. The ladies, bless them, have other requirements. They protest that there's too much cocksucking and not nearly enough scenes show-ing the stud tenderly eating the gal's pussy.
The requests for such box lunch shots from the gentler gender is truly amazing in quantity —which should tell the gents in the reading audience how their ladies would like to be treated. As for what sort of male pulchritude turns the women on, it isn't necessarily the largest cock!
But they do want that cock to be fully hard and hanging beneath it a huge pair of balls. They also like to see muscular asses, probably to better drive that hard cock home. Lately, too, they like their studs young and bearded —and very often black. Maybe some day we will print a batch of those letters. That issue will be an eye opener. •
SWEDISH EROTICA is published monthly by Art Publishers, for mature adults as a pictorial and written representation of phases and mores of our contemporary society. SWEDISH EROTICA, 1982.