Color Climax 89 (2)
COLOR CLIMAX Already edition no. 89 is in your hands. Without a doubt It's been both a long and successful series. It's hard writing an editorial be- cause we've used all the superlatives like "fantastic, Incredible, world's best" so many times before, that we must take care that we don't repeat our- selves! But really how else can one describe this magazine series? If you think that we here in the editorial offices of the COLOR CLIMAX CORPORA TION have run out of ideas then you'd better think again after all, the proof is in the pudding, so to speak! Just take a look at the photo-story "My Sister's Boobs" or the wild fucking session that takes place in and out of the swimming pool! But as always you'll find that there's plenty to read and more than enough to look at. See for yourself! Printed in Denmark 1978!