She found herself at a home on the outskirts of town. She knocked at the door, the big 12 inch pizza steaming in her hand.
His name was Jack, and as soon as he opened the front door, Sally knew. She smiled up at him, extending the pizza. Sally felt her loins heat up, her nipples swell and her mouth turn dry as she followed Jack into the kitchen. Her eyes moved to his groin, and she knew then that she wanted him.
"I'd like to give you a tip,' Jack smiled. "But I don't seem to have any change."
Sally reached out and rested her hand on his groin. She felt his thick meat began stirring beneath his pants. She stroked him lightly, feeling the muscle harden. Then, she pulled down his zipper and reached inside. When she pulled him out, she smiled. His head was thick and quickly expanding. "This," she said softly, "is the only kind of tip I want!"
Genre: Classic magazine, Adult, Straight, Knockout Publications, Black and white, Color