Purely Physical (1982). Classic adult color sex film, featuring Dana Moore, Jade Wong, Juliet Anderson, Laura Lazare, Nicole Black, Tigr, Phaery I. Burd, Adam Adams, Albert Johnson, Eric Stein, Joey Silvera, Danny Weirdman, Michael Morrison. US produced, 1982. Classic, adult, sexy girls, mature, hardcore sex.
Kathy Harrington (Laura Lazare) is a junior at Bristol State University. Kathy is also beautiful and pursuing an L.A.S. degree in Journalism. She gets a job as a night clerk in a motel so that she can get extra money and also gather material for her writing.
Through Kathy’s wandering eyes, the audience can explore the physical pleasures of those who pass through the motel doors. At times even Kathy is tempted to succumb to a moment of heated passion, but her strict Ohio upbringing will not allow her to respond.
And so the stage is set for Purely Physical, a film that captures people overpowered by the feeling of a sudden wanting, an out of the way motel and the press of time that makes love so intense.