Blue Climax Video 468 - Wild Weekend
Blue Climax Video Programm 468 - Video VHS Beta 2000, 60 minutes! Color Climax Corpopration. Wild Weekend!
Playboy Charlie, and his girlfriend Ker- sten are both masters at the game of infidelity. After a night out at a disco- theque, where Charlie has mentally fucked all the girls, Kersten comes up with a really inspired plan to satisfy both their needs.
They invite Rainer and his big boobed wife, Uschi, to drop by for a suck, fuck and shaving orgy. Kersten is not fully satisfied and devel- ops her perverted plan even further, by getting one of her friends to pose as a sexologist.
She acts as his assistant and together they visit a lovely big-tit- ted chick, whom they seduce and who- se cunny they shave, whilst learning her most intimate secrets. This is a su- per-action sex film, with an extremely horny to say nothing of quite unex- pected conclusion...